Monday, August 23, 2010

1 Day Till Michael's MRI

Well I have not figured out how to let Michael know about tomorrow! If I tell him too early he starts freaking out anytime he need's to do something away from the house. So I am wondering what the best way to let him know about what is going to happen . I'll just sleep on it and hopefully I'll come up with something! Wish me Luck!! :)

1 comment:

  1. I will keep you in my prayers J. I don't know what advice to give you. Have you thought of asking Tim to give Michael a Father's Blessing and you a special blessing? I think calling in the powers of heaven to whisper peace to Michael's soul will have more affect on his emotional state than anything.

    How did you handle it when he had to get stitches in his head? If you are calm and in tune with the Spirit, you will know exactly what needs to happen. You are entitled to direction from God in your stewardship as his mother. Ask Him and God will give you all that you need.

    Love, Sue
