There are day's that I wish I could turn back the sands of time, Being the Mother of a Autistic child is not anything I would wish upon my worst enemy. Ever day is different we have good day's but mostly Bad day's I have tried so many different ways to help him cope with his meltdowns but nothing ever works.He gets so upset over the silliest things the repeating of the same words over and over gets on my last nerve. Holes in doors mirrors broken windows broken on and on and on..... I have tried medicine that didn't work I've tried social pages for him to see, they work a little but he always goes back to the screaming and hitting. Not only does the behavior affect him it affects the whole family the stress level in this house is beyond anything I can describe. It's a living Hell at times..... I now understand why a lot of marriages break up with a autistic child it is taking it's toll out on us. Tim of course is in Layla land when it comes to dealing with the situation , I am so sick and tired of living like this day in and day out! Where to turn too is the huge question!!!!!
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