Well I Took Michael to the Child Shrink yesterday He just sat there and wouldn't talk to the Doctor, The Doctor took him off the medicine that cause him to gain 25 pounds in less than 2 months, trust me the boy is huge! and put him on 2 other kinds of medicine to help control the moods and outburst and weight gain....I sure hope that we can get him regulated so he can return to school.I take him back in a month let's keep our fingers crossed :) He is really being a good boy today and not wanting to just sit around and eat everything in site. Bless his heart the clothes I had him wear yesterday were really tight I am hoping that this new medicine will help and we can get the weight down along with everything else . Thank goodness for the State Insurance program the medicines that he is taking would have cost me $700.00 a month there would be no way in Hell that I could have done that. Thank goodness I only have to pay $ 25.00 a month, I never thought that I would have to medicate him, With him and me both on Medicine I thank everyday that I have Insurance and he is covered through the state because of his Autism....
I really feel for the people out there that can not get the help that they need. I searched and searched for years and I was able to contact the state and let them know that Michael could not get insurance that was why he qualified Tim and I make too much otherwise but with him having Autism that is what is saving us money wise!!!!! AS soon as he turns 18 he goes on SSI and Medicaid so at least I know that he will be taken care of....hopefully our government wouldn't screw that up for everyone!!!! The Picture was of him before all the weight gain!!!
Update on Michael. No good results and on top of that he is up to 260 pounds...... I was told that it will take as long as 6 months before I see a difference and then the weight will come back off, God I hope so I am afraid that he is going to explode. This is pure HELL!!!!!!