I'll say it again I hate the HEAT!!!!
It was over 106 today in the shade, I sure miss that nice cool Montana weather that I was blessed with just 2 weeks ago It seems like a Lifetime since I was up there. I really feel the need to live closer to my parents and brothers and their families....
The Economy really sucks right now and I have a feeling that it is not going to get any better too soon!!!!
Tomorrow after I get home from work I will be taking Michael back to see the Doctor. The med's are not working and he is eating me out of house and home I am so afraid that he has gain way too weight and the meltdowns are still around and a lot worst than before, I am not leaving till we get this fixed I can't take anymore of his meltdowns!!!!!!!
I forgot to tell you that the meltdowns revolve all around wanting more to eat!!!!