Some one take me away from this place!!!!!!Michael is in the other end of the house screaming again about Christmas and Now he is telling us that he is not going to school for half a day tomorrow. I really don't know how much more of this I can take Thank goodness for my Happy Pills!!!!!!!
Those of you out there that have never had to deal with a child with Autism I hope that you know how lucky you are and how I have to deal with all this madness everyday of my life!! There are day's that I wonder what I did in my life to have to deal with this? I really can't take much more of this screaming. This is why I stay at work more and more, The older he get's and the stronger he gets makes me really worry how I am going to be able to handle him when he has a major Meltdown, I am tired of feeling guilty for wanting a normal kid, Well venting has helped a little but it will never be completely a way to escape
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