Have you ever had one of those day's where all around you there are stupid people ?
Well it seems like I have them more and more, Working at Goodwill as the store manager I run into the strangest people that I have ever encountered in my life. For example I have this lady drive up with a trailer load of nasty moldy trash and want to donate them, I tryed to tell her in a nice way that I would not be able to sell items like that , that she need's to just haul it to the dump. Well that pissed her off, I mean I wish you could have smelt that trailer and seen the nasty crap she was trying to unload on us at the store. Do people really think that other people that can't afford nice expensive things want to pay their hard earn money on someone else s trash??? People please think about what you donate , would you want to buy items like that? I think not....
Don't get me wrong we have taken a lot of things that we still end up taking to the dump but a whole trailer load I DON'T THINK SO!!!!!!!! She just didn't want to have to pay to dump that trash at the dump... It's sad that people just don't care.......................................