Well I lived through another Birthday.... You would think after 49 years I would realize that the older I get the younger I feel. I don't mean physically but mentally I feel young still. I wish I didn't have all the aches and pains but who doesn't?
Returned to work today after taking 4 day's off.........Oh my gosh! The store need's a over haul. It looks so bad in some of the departments, I went in early today but there is so much that need's to be cleaned that I just couldn't get into it! My gosh what will it look like after I am gone for nearly 2 weeks?? Even with a list they just don't seem to get everything done like I want it! The ol saying " if you want it done right just do it yourself" Well that's not going to happen I am going to crack the whip this week.... The only thing is I will be off 3 day's this week too! I really need to get them to help clean all the store, I will go crazy if When I return from Vacation if it look's like it does now! Well I feel better now that I got that off my chest!!!