Not only are both of my son's birthday this month so are 4 of my 6 brothers....
Michael will be 16 this wed. Where have the years gone? I asked him today if he wanted to learn how to drive a car...he freaked out , That's when Chris butted in and said that if Michael drives before him that the world will come to a end....For those of you who have forgotten or don't know Michael is Autistic and will never drive a car.....
My heart aches so much for him and all the things that he will never get to do as a teenage boy , Hold a part time job have a girl friend drive or even have any friends to hang out with. All he want's to do is stay in his bedroom, Both of my boys are such hermit's Where did I go wrong?????
Not only do I have him to worry about I worry about my oldest Chris who will be 21 on the 28th of March, He has no life either, HE can't drive or even try he doesn't have a job or will even try to get one all of his High school friends have moved on and gone off to College or got married and have babies already. I feel like all I do is work to just support him and his "lazy" way's Not only have I try'd to help him find a job he will not get motivated and even go out to find one. I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Tired of my life THis is not what I signed up for!!!!!!!!!!!