Friday, February 26, 2010

I'm such a Slacker!

Well I haven't been very good about keeping up with my blog but I will try and do better. We haven't had anymore snow yet but it has been very cold and Wet..
This has been the strangest weather this year. I got to talk to my mom tonight she called me at work it's been a while since we've spoken to each other, I really enjoy it when we can talk and rem-anise about things I am so blessed to have a mom like her. Not only is she a strong person but she is beautiful as well. I have super parents and feel very blessed to have them. I can only hope to be as good a mom as she was too me to my boys. I love you Mom!!!
{ and you too Dad!! } :) :) :) :)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Wow Snow In Texas~~~~~~~

Snow In Texas A Record amount!!!

What a nasty mess!!!! IT has snowed all day and Tim and I just came back in from shaking snow off of the Trees so they don't break from the weight. I had to closed the store before I even got to open today and call all employees to not come in. Hopefully we will be able to open tomorrow...
If I do I won't open till 11 am or so when the sun has come out and melted the snow the only thing is when the sun goes down again it will get icy again..... I'll just have to see and play it by ear~~~~~~

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Oh my aching feet!!

Not only do I hurt today all over my right foot has been giving me fits all day! I feel like I have a bone growing out the back of my heal! And by the end of the night I was limping around Walmart after work today! I am afraid that it might be a bone spur and will have to have something done to the foot to correct the problem. If it keeps hurting I will contact my Doctor and see what he says.
I can not afford this! Why am I falling apart?